Job Details

    Don't let the screen below scare you — jobs in werkherz are really quite simple.

    The details of a jobs

    Action buttons 1

    First, there are these actions that can be performed with a job:

    1. Create new job
    2. Save changes to the job shown
    3. Create a PDF of the job shown
    4. duplicate the job shown
    5. delete the job shown

    Job Status 2

    Two possible states of a job

    This tape shows the different phases a job can go through: It starts with a bid being drafted first. When it is ready, the offer can be sent to the customer. If the offer is not accepted, the offer is closed.

    If, on the other hand, the offer becomes an order, work on the job begins. If the job is not cancelled prematurely, it will eventually become an invoice that is sent and hopefully paid. invoice, which is sent and hopefully paid in the end.

    To change the current status of the displayed job, simply click on the desired section.

    Basic information

    Here you can see the address 3 to which the job belongs, as well as the date, the title and the ID of the job 4. You can click on the address to go to the corresponding contact details. To the right of address is a button that allows you to select a different address for this job. for this job. If you click on the button, a new window opens. window opens where you can search for and select another contact.

    Select and assign another contact for the job

    Preface 5

    First, your job will have a text prefix. Here you can enter and design text freely. However, you will often use the same or similar credits. Therefore, you can define individual text blocks as templates in werkherz and have them inserted here. To do this, click on the + button below the Text input field. This opens a window that allows you to select parts from the already defined templates. Select a template text and click on append or replace to insert the selected text accordingly in the leader.

    Select and apply a predefined text block

    Items 6

    Here you compile your offer or invoice from individual positions. And here, too, you have the option of simply clicking together an offer by selecting predefined position descriptions.

    Under the positions, you see all the totals on the right.

    Simply click and insert ready-made position descriptions

    Each item is assigned to a category, for example "Image processing" or "Layout". The number and designation of the categories you can define yourself in your account settings.

    For each category you can define any descriptions as templates (this is also done in the account settings). (this is also done in the account settings. All items defined as templates are then available for selection here. Select a category, select one of the templates and click on insert. click on insert.

    You can, of course, change both the category and the descriptive text at any time. category as well as the description text at any time. This only changes the text in the respective offer, not in the template.

    For each item, you can of course also enter the quantity, net price and VAT rate for each item. The respective gross amounts are calculated automatically.

    The order of the items can be easily changed with the mouse. If you move the mouse over a position, two icons will appear on the right. will appear on the right. You can click on the upper one with the mouse and then move it to a different drag the mouse to move the position to another place in the position list. position in the position list. Clicking on the other icon deletes the the position is deleted.

    Below the positions on the right you can see the current totals of all the positions 7 in your job.

    After credits 8

    You can also enter and design the epilogue freely, and likewise compile it with ready-made text blocks.

    Expenditures 9

    If you enter any expenses incurred by a job (e.g. printing costs, ad placements, etc.), at the end you will get a better picture of how much real revenue this job has actually generated for you.

    Record expenses

    Click on the blue + button to enter new expenses, or on existing expenses from the list to edit or delete them.

    Note 10

    In the note field you can store notes about the job.

    Additional information 11

    In the side column at the top right, you can view the summary of the documentation assigned to this job, as well as other jobs you have created for this customer.

    Manager STARTER